If you are anything like me, you may need some help sorting through all of the technological mayhem and whittling down your list of go-to apps to what will be useful to you and will actually simplify your life.

7 Apps that will not only simplify your life but keep you focused and motivated

1. Waterlogged

Waterlogged[1] is an app designed to assist you in being more intentional about your health. It is a health and fitness Apple app (compatible with iPhone, iPad, Fitbit and Apple Health) that reminds users to drink water throughout the day and helps monitor and track daily water consumption. It is a free app and has upgrades available for purchase. Customer reviews on this particular app are great. Users report that is extremely user-friendly, convenient, practical and it actual performs as advertised.

2. Mindbloom

Mindbloom[2] is a company whose vision and mission revolve around the concept of establishing life balance. They have created and have offered an Apple App that is useful for goal setting, reduction of stress, coping with anxiety and maintaining overall mental health. Whether you are looking to focus on specific areas of life, or simply want to ensure you maintain your current lifestyle and state of mental health, their ultimate goal is to help you by providing a creative and interactive way to become and remain inspired. The App is customizable and offers a myriad of games, goal setting features, organizational tools and resources that you can use to manage how you use this app.

3. Forest

Forest[3] is an app that is designed to help you focus on a task for a preset amount of time. This app is available on both Apple and android operating systems as well as Windows, Firefox and Chrome extension, making it accessible from virtually anywhere. The app is a game in which you plant and grow trees by remaining on tasks for a specific amount of time determined by you. The game is masterfully designed to keep you from checking email, texting or mindlessly surfing the web while you are supposed to be working or studying. Once you’ve set the timer, and planted your tree you are not allowed to leave the app until time expires. If you do, your tree dies and your forest suffers.

4. Panda Focus

Panda Focus[4] is an organizational app designed to help trim the time you spend mindlessly surfing the web by allowing you to organize all of the informational websites you need in one place. It allows you to open multiple sites in one tab. The site also allows you to create your daily “to do” list. The list is then displayed every time you open a new tab, as a gentle reminder that you’ve got work to do.

5. Noizio

This Apple app[5] plays calming and soothing background noise inspired by nature through your Mac device. The app is designed to help you relax and increase your productivity by improving your ability to concentrate. The sounds range from waves gently washing over the beach to rain gently running down an umbrella or even fire crackling in a warm and cozy fireplace. It’s a great way to relieve your stress and get your work done simultaneously.

6. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor[6] was described by the New Yorker as being, “…like a good editor, attuned to the places where vanity seems to be getting the better of things.” This is a downloadable paid app that works anywhere and is compatible with any device. It is designed to help you write with power, clarity and simplicity. It has been compared to having your own professional editor right at your fingertips.

7. Grammarly

Grammarly[7] is a free grammar and spell check editing app and Chrome plug-in that flags mistakes as you write. When you use it as a Chrome plug-in, your spelling and grammar will be vetted on Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, and nearly everywhere else you write on the web. Together, these seven practical apps can greatly simplify your life and provide you the clarity, focus and tools to be productive, healthy and successful.