Wireless charging

Wireless charging is a growing concept and is soon catching up with several gadgets and device. Though this is a fairly new concept, it has a lot of future and room to go. Wireless charging is still in its teething stages. Many industry experts are wondering if this technology would soon seep into other smart devices like the iPad and the iPhone. Knowing Apple, they will probably adapt this technology to all their devices. Will the next launch be called iPhone 6 and will it have proximity-based wireless charging?

An interesting concept

It is only a rumor, yet an interesting one. Apple products, especially the iPhone lost its steam over the last two years. Samsung Galaxy had taken over the industry expert’s seat. If Apple comes up with the proximity based wireless charging to its next iPhone launch, then it could reclaim its position as the world leader in the mobile phone market. Today, the biggest challenge with devices is their battery life. Even though mobile phones offer a lot of apps and tools, they usually tend to drain the battery life. Constantly charging the device is annoying. Proximity-based charging may not be the perfect solution, but it can make app user’s life easier.

Market stands

There are too many wireless charging standards in the market already. Will Apple’s upcoming technology, as being slated; be able to withstand this competition? This is yet to be seen. However, if the rumors are true, then this is the right time for Apple to launch such a technology. Apple has everything going for it, their seamless design, sense of perfection and flawless working make Apple products great. Nonetheless, the only problem as of now seems to be stiffer competition. Apple is losing out in the competition by delaying the launch of its products.


Samsung Gear was launched first and it has received a positive response from the market. They are already improvising on the gear standards. The challenge with proximity-based wireless charging for Apple would be to prove its mettle. It is a gamble and a concept that may or may not take off.  If it does, then it could be a blessing in the form of a device for Apple. In the last decade, wireless technology has become successful by and large. However, it lies in the hands of mobile engineers at Apple to take the wireless technology in devices one step ahead. If they are able to prove that this product has a seamless functionality just like other Apple products, then it could be the device of the decade. As of now, the prototype or the model watches from Apple are doing the rounds in the form of pictures. They look cool and are rumored to come in two different sizes. The rest is left to be seen when the actual watches are unveiled.


Every innovative technological product is like a breath of fresh air. With so many devices being launched every year, hopefully the iWatch will be launched soon. The markets are always willing to welcome new entrants as it makes business brisker. And if iWatch’s proximity-based charging can be extended to iPhone 6, it would be the ultimate icing on the cake!