Make a Pros and Cons List to Help You Decide

It may sound simple, but it really works. Listing out the pros and cons on paper (or on the computer) allows you to have a visual image of the choices involved. Writing down your deepest desires, fears, and hopes will bring more clarity to any dilemma. You don’t have to be scientific or careful when listing out the pros and cons. Write down whatever comes to mind, even if it seems small or silly. After writing everything down, you will be able to take a step back and consider what you actually want deep down inside. Listing out pros and cons doesn’t necessarily help you make a more rational choice, but it does help you to explore the options and to better understand which side you are subconsciously inclined to choose. The “cons” side might even be longer than the “pros” side, but one or two things on the pros will be weighted more heavily than the long list of cons. Don’t put too much thought into it, and don’t edit the list. Write it all down. Trust your gut when making a decision based on this pros and cons list. By utilizing this technique, you will become better at making hard choices before you know it! Featured photo credit: Pixabay/stevepb via