1. She can deal with her problems

It is not about you. She doesn’t need you to help you fix her problems. She has been fixing her problems before you came into the picture. Yes she can clean up her own mess and she doesn’t need to wait around for you to come and help her fix it.

2. She is not clingy

She won’t try to be all over you in public and not even in private. She is self-sufficient and she would show her love when she feels it is proper to do so. She probably could see you as a person that comes to play a part in their lives however they do not see you as their entire life. So don’t expect her to be cuddling you all through the night and cooking you a hot breakfast and serving it to you when you are in bed. She doesn’t need to do all that in a bid to keep you.

3. She doesn’t need too many friends

She wouldn’t have too many friends coming around. She is in it for qualitative friendships that will offer support rather than be a distraction from her goals. This doesn’t mean she won’t have a lot of acquaintances. However, an independent woman is not likely to waste her time on friendships she does not find worthwhile (just like she won’t waste her time on romantic relationships that aren’t worthwhile).

4. She values her time

She knows how to balance her time and allocate her energy to the right pursuits. For example, her time is so balanced that she wouldn’t be pursuing her career activities when she should be going to the gym or going to the gym when she should be pursuing her career goals. She values her independence as part of her identity and would always manage her time appropriately.

5. She is fiscally responsible

An independent woman can take care of her finances just right. She doesn’t allow her money lead her, rather she leads it and understands the functionality of it. She won’t enter the relationship with you because she wanted your money or beg for any of it.

6. She wants to be taken seriously

She doesn’t want her efficiency or abilities to be undermined. An independent woman is worth your time and wants to be valued and appreciated for the work she must have put in to become the woman she is. She will take it as an insult if you do not respect her opinion, motives or what she represents. Rather than undermine or misrepresent her you should do well to be aware of the specifics of what she wants.

7. She inspires you

She lives with a purpose. An independent woman doesn’t date for fun or just to have someone to learn on. She must have seen some potential in you for her to condescend to become your partner. However she has certain expectations from the man she wants to always be with so her ambitious nature will rub off on you. She can be motivator, a confidant, and an equal as you pursue your own goals.

8. She is loyal

Independent women do not set double standards or expect such from anyone they are in a relationship with. They can be honest and trustworthy. This is because they would only make a decision when they are certain they will go the long haul with it. If you are what an independent woman wants she will give you her everything. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com