There are lots of misconceptions that surround introverts. Many people assume that because they are quiet, they don’t have much to say – but this couldn’t be further from the truth. While introverts may seem quiet on the surface, deep down they are bubbling with creative thoughts and ideas. This is one of the main reasons why introverts can be so successful. An introvert will let their work and their success to speak for them so that they don’t have to. Just because someone is an introvert, it doesn’t mean that they won’t succeed. In fact, introverts are often amazing leaders who can make big changes to the world around them! Here are five famous introverts who let their success speak for them.

1. JK Rowling

JK Rowling is one of the most famous authors in the world, and she was recently revealed as the author of the massively popular The Cuckoo’s Calling, which was published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. She is intelligent, witty – and also introverted. JK Rowling herself has claimed that she is an introvert, and she often comments on the fact that she was alone when she first started writing Harry Potter on a train in 1990. Harry Potter went on to be one of the bestselling series of all time, and that may be due to the fact that Rowling is an introvert; after all, she created the whole amazing Wizarding world inside of her head!

2. Warren Buffett

Today, Warren Buffett is one of the most famous businessmen in the world, and in interviews he often comes across as friendly, warm and talkative in interviews. He has a relaxed, easy manner that lends itself well to storytelling and leading the conversation, so many people assume that he is an extrovert. In reality Warren Buffett is an introvert, which may be part of the reason why he is such a successful leader. When he first started out in business he struggled to have confidence in his ideas, and this meant that he found it hard to persuade other people to believe in his ideas. Today he says that he had the “intellect for business”, but due to his introverted nature he decided to take Dale Carnegie’s seminar called “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Today the businessman is extremely successful, often topping the World’s Richest lists – and this is partially due to his introverted nature.

3. Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is one of the world’s famous physicists from history, and his discoveries changed the way that we see the world. He was also an introverted character, and he is often quoted as saying that “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” He clearly preferred to live a peaceful, quiet life – and this probably helped him to develop the theory of relativity and win the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

4. Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg has directed and produced some of the most popular films ever released, including ET, Jaws, Raiders Of The Lost Ark and Schindler’s List. Today, he is one of the most successful and wealthy men in Hollywood, but he is also a very introverted character. He is open about being an introvert, and he often says that he prefers to spend his time watching movies.

5. Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera is known for her amazing voice and raunchy costumes, so lots of people assume that she is as extroverted as they come. In reality she is actually an introvert, and interviewers often say that they are surprised to meet her in real life. For instance, journalist Gaby Wood once said; “If it weren’t for her bleach-blonde hair, I wouldn’t have recognized her. Because, besides being petite, she is, it seems, shy. She tells me that she has always been ‘intense and introverted’ and that, as a result, she’s felt like an outsider her entire life.”

These 5 Famous Introverts Show That You Don t Need To Be An Extrovert To Be Successful - 75These 5 Famous Introverts Show That You Don t Need To Be An Extrovert To Be Successful - 19These 5 Famous Introverts Show That You Don t Need To Be An Extrovert To Be Successful - 83These 5 Famous Introverts Show That You Don t Need To Be An Extrovert To Be Successful - 30These 5 Famous Introverts Show That You Don t Need To Be An Extrovert To Be Successful - 90