As you get older you may find that you experience the following:

The more you have gone through

With age, comes experience. As you pass through life you go through many trials. As you get older, you find that there are a few friends who have supported you during these difficult times. You learn to depend on those select few and have little time for people who were not there when you needed them.

The less patience you have for insincerity

When you were young, you probably tended to try and accumulate as many friends as possible. Perhaps you had greater patience and tolerance for everyone you met; however, as you get older you have less patience for insincerity. You have learned that it is better to have a few sincere friends than a lot of superficial relationships.

The deeper bonds you have formed

Many friends you have made simply drifted away, but there are those few who have stuck with you through the good and the bad. By sharing so many experiences with these select few friends, you have created a deep bond with them. It’s the kind of bond that can only be created over time.

The less time you have

As you get older you become busier. You may find that the demands of work increase and for those of you who start families you may find your time becomes very tight. As your time becomes more precious, you find yourself valuing it more and thus less likely to spend it with friends whose company you do not truly enjoy. You save your time for those friends who really matter to you.

The less energy you have for meeting new people

As a young person, you may have had the energy to go to parties and mingle at bars to meet new people and make new friends. As an older person, you now have less time and patience for these pursuits. You would rather go to an old friend’s house and drink a glass of wine then start making the effort to go out and meet new friends.

The more protective you are of your secrets

As you get older, you may become more protective of your secrets. You are only willing to open up to a select few. You no longer want everyone to know your personal business and only trust these couple of good friends who you know you can rely on. So don’t despair if you find yourself with fewer friends. Those who have stood by you through thick and thin have proven to be the right match for you.