Watch What You Eat

There are a couple of important eating patterns to stick to when gaining weight. It’s important to remember to eat often and eat healthy. Simple replacements help you up your caloric intake without eating too much sodium, sugar, and nasty chemicals. Drink fresh juice and/or milk with meals instead of water. If you decide to drink a protein shake with a meal, drink water as well. Be sure to eat a large breakfast and dinner, with a sensible lunch. Taking multivitamins and drinking freshly juiced fruits and vegetables in the morning helps you over the long run. Your body can build more muscle off your dinner proteins. Granola, nuts, etc. make for great easy snacks to keep on hand during the day. Stock up on cheap proteins, including eggs, turkey, chicken, cheese, and milk. Peanut butter helps add calories and flavor to any meal (it’s especially delicious on hamburgers). Carry nuts, granola, and dark chocolate on you throughout the day, so you can snack when you’re hungry. If you have trouble eating, hot sauce and caramel sauce make anything taste delicious.

No Pain, No Gain

Now that you have a proper diet, you need to tell your body where to apply the food intake. You don’t have to join a gym, but get some 2-10 lb wrist weights and 10-20 lb dumbbells. These are cheap and can be used for a variety of arm strengthening exercises. Do pushups throughout the day. Even if you can only do 10-20, doing that many 5 times a day adds up. Buy a yoga mat and get into yoga or at least stretching. Building mass is easy. Building strong, flexible mass is an entirely different beast. You don’t want to lose mobility as you gain mass. It’ll just make you sluggish. Make sure you stretch before lifting, target different muscle groups every other day, and follow your lifting routine with yoga or a walk/jog. This will keep you gaining weight without sacrificing your health, speed, and energy.

Maintain the Gain

Maintenance is the most important part of gaining weight. These habits you utilize to gain weight must be maintained. If you start psyching yourself out and slipping from the routine, you’ll quickly lose what you gained. It only takes 2 months of inactivity to ruin years of training. Make goals and meet them. Find ways to switch up your routine for days when you’re bored with it. Stick to it. Variety makes life easier, so switch up your food flavors and exercise routines as necessary to keep from sitting idle. If you know you’re going to miss an exercise session, make up for I throughout the day. Keep bringing in calories to keep your internal system working routinely. Treat your body like a car. Keep up with the routine maintenance, and it’ll get you through anything. Most importantly, see your doctor regularly to proactively diagnose any bad signs rather than finding out after it’s too late.

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