As a musician? As a sportsman? As a speaker?

Is it talent?

The answer is “No.”

What is it that leads to excellence?

 In chess?  In sport?  In programming? And the answer…

10,000 hours of practice.

No matter where you start from, no matter how talented a kid was in school, it’s the kid that practices 8 hours a day that’s now playing as a soloist with the top orchestras of the world. Leo Messi wasn’t born with a better right knee and a better left foot than anyone else in the world. It’s what he chose to do every day after school every weekend that means he is where he is today.

The most important commitment you can make to yourself

Every laptop comes with a webcam I want you to switch it on. Commit that you will spend 3 minutes every day for the next 10 days.

3 minutes every day

Start a little program that records video and explain a product… explain your CV… explain your vision…  explain what is a good life…  explain who you are…  explain your top 5 ambitions…  explain what success is… explain what you learned from your father, your mother, your best teacher…

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