As a DJ, it is important for me to study my audience and figure out what kinds of music they would love to listen to and dance. I usually do my assessment using age and culture, and sometimes I ask the audience to make a song request. Every musical genre is unique, but it has to be played to the appropriate audience, otherwise it will not reveal who they are. Musicians sing about their life experiences and what happens in their environments. Their fans are those who can relate to the music. So, if you know the artist and what they sing about, you would know a lot about their fans. Four simple and important characteristics your taste for music can reveal are:

You’re a dancer

Most dancers love to listen to only danceable music, the kind that puts them in the mood to dance. Their playlists usually contain the most popular dance songs of all genres, which is very interesting because in a dance contest the dancer never know in advance what music will be played. Their best preparation is to have all popular dance songs in their collection. Dancers do not listen to music just to keep their brain busy; they listen to music that resonates with their lifestyles. A dancer once told me he would rather listen to one song all day than to waste his time listening to a song that wouldn’t make him want to dance.

Your age

All music lovers and certain artists are cohorts. They grew up with the artists, so their songs often remind them of their past. Their age is relative to their taste for music. Whenever I’m working at an event, the older folks seem to dance to old school music, while the younger folks seem to dance to new school music. Knowing this, it’s easier for a DJ to control a dance floor.

Your cultural background

Culture plays a big role in our taste for music. Some people were born into a culture where they are accustomed to only one genre of music, so they only respond to the music of their culture. This group can easily be revealed once you know the origin of the music they listen to. I have spun records at a lot of parties and noticed that some of the best dancers didn’t know how to dance to the music of other cultures. They stay withdrawn and respond only when I play music of their culture.

Your Happiness

When we are angry our minds become monopolized by the circumstances that made us angry. We think of nothing else but the problem we have or the solution. Humans are social creatures and we have to be happy in order to socialize with others. When you listen to music, you are connected and socializing with the artist. When we go to a party to have fun, the only common denominator there is music. We all have had problems in the past and the only thing that took away our sorrow was that one song that we time traveled with. We are still here because of that one artist — the one who knew exactly what we were going through, the one who spoke to us through their music and became our counselor. We got over that problem. We were happy that it happened to us and happier because we listened to that life-changing song. Featured photo credit: Man Playing Guitar At Large Concert via