If you’re one of these people, the problem is you’ll be waiting a while if you’re relying on someone or something outside of yourself to fix the problem. Externalising the solution is the most common fault of people wanting to change. Changing jobs, taking a big holiday, getting a new hairdo or a new wardrobe―all of these are temporary “band aids”. They won’t hold the stuck feeling at bay for long. Small steps reap big rewards: you don’t have to overhaul your whole life to get moving. There is no “one big magic answer”. Work holistically, and start with small changes and small focuses across the board, and you’ll soon gain momentum. Here are 4 things you should know to boost growth in your life.

Make a decision… ANY decision!

Understand that you have to make a decision to do or achieve something. It sounds strange to say something so simple, but most people are just making “wish-lists”. They would like change to happen but they haven’t really decided to make it happen yet. A true decision is in concrete ‒ once made, it cannot be backed away from. It’s a serious thing to make a real decision and you need to do some serious thinking before you make one. Otherwise you’re just wishing.

Your body is the bedrock of progress.

You can’t shoot forward into the future like an unstoppable rocket if your health is dragging you back every inch of the way. Your body has innate wisdom to run your health perfectly….if you get out of its way. While you load your body with toxins inside and out, you cannot operate at peak performance. Start educating yourself about food, cleaners, toiletries, and cosmetics. Question what you’ve always been told, listen to your body. You don’t have to go on a massive diet or lifestyle change, just learn a little every day, swap a little every day. And don’t forget to celebrate every small win.

You’re No.1!

Practice prioritising and valuing yourself before others. This is hard for a lot of people, especially mums, or people used to nurturing and supporting everyone else before themselves. To move forward you need to prove to yourself that you are worth the effort. We do this by our small actions every day: they count. Start to act and speak in ways that tell YOU that you are No.1 and worth the effort, and you’ll automatically start to reach for something better in life.

Don’t neglect your spirit.

Older civilisations understood better how important it was to feel your place on this earth and work in harmony with its energy and resources. Living consciously, adding value, and contributing to world change, feeling a connection to the earth, nature, and universal energy are all important to how we feel about ourselves. Ideas and inspiration come from a creative place inside that can only be fully accessed when we are being our true selves and operating within a natural rhythm. Spend time on and with yourself, just being and learning who you are. Getting forward movement in your life is a holistic process. Stop looking for something to happen to kick-start you. Don’t wait until New Year’s Day. Just work a little…on a lot…all the time. Great change comes in millimetre shifts.